Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Update on Henry

Friends and Family. We sure appreciate all of the prayers for my dad during this time. Tomorrow he'll get a pacemaker put in which the doctors have highly recommended to keep him ticking. After the heart attack he suffered in 1989, there was damage that had progressively weakened his heart over the years and has brought us to this point. He's kind of excited about the new hardware and is looking forward to getting out of the hospital. During a moment of levity today I snapped a couple of pics with the phone and with his permission, I'm passing them along. Not too shabby for almost 79. One of the nurses said he kind of has that Harrison Ford thing going on. He said, "Now who's that?" Mom's doing well in spirit, but she's fighting a bit of bronchitis and a bad cough so the timing is unfortunate. All in all, they're praising the Lord. You know, never in eternity will we have the chance to praise God in the midst of difficulty we don't understand, but it's an honor to offer to him this most precious of gifts, a sacrifice of praise. We'll never stop contending for breakthrough in healing and deliverance and this just solidifies that resolve, to destroy the works of the devil. We thank all of you who continue to stand in faith as well. Please know that we stand together to see the fullness of His Kingdom come. Grace and Peace bill n traci

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